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Eliminating Distractions   Leave a comment

It is my passion to find the best practices for teaching and fostering creativity in my students.  One of the most helpful books I have discovered is Flow, a book that spells out the conditions necessary for optimal creative experiences.   The author, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a well-known psychology and management professor, identifies a handful of factors that prevent creative thought.   It is no surprise that distractions are high on the list. 

meditating in my backyard

 Combating distractions is tough in this stressful world and the only successful tool I know of is meditation which has, in many ways, changed my life.   The practice of meditation not only helps focus our attention but it is also a proven stress reducer.  Want to give it a try?  I recommend Mindfulness: in plain English by Gurnaratana or if you don’t want to buy a book, check out the Buddhanet resources and guides to meditation.   I’ve even found some very relaxing meditation timers –  bells you can download free to your IPod and take anywhere.

 For another perspective on distractions, check out this College Humor YouTube video.  (click to open new window)

 More thoughts on blocks to creativity coming soon…